Web Design by Elizabeth Calabro /
Photography & Artwork by  Katie Rae Calabro
Hypnosis lIfe learning
Call for a free 15 minute
"get acquainted" chat today.
I will be happy to answer your questions.
707 291 9864
San Francisco

Elizabeth Solana Calabro CH
Consulting Hypnotherapist
EFT I Practitioner

Sonoma, CA


Elizabeth Solana CalabroHypnosis

Emotional Freedom Technique

With roots in acupuncture, kinesiology and psychology, EFT is a simple way to balance your body’s energy, to help relax, and release negative emotions or stress that may be impacting your wellness or your ability to perform to your full capabilities. 

The principle behind EFT is that all negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body's energy system, and as we know, our unresolved emotions and past traumas contribute to our physical ailments. EFT clears these disruptions and unresolved emotions through stimulating points along the body's energy meridians, allowing for peace and fulfillment. By holding a situation or memory in mind while repeating specific statements and  tapping on release points of the body that correspond to acupressure  meridians, we can balance the body’s energy.  

EFT is able to rapidly reduce the emotional impact of memories and incidents that trigger emotional distress. Once the distress is reduced or removed, the body can often rebalance itself, and accelerate healing. EFT uses elements of Cognitive Therapy and and combines them with Acupressure, in the form of fingertip tapping .

According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, world-renowned cellular biologist, author and speaker, “95% of Dis-ease is caused by stress, and 100% of stress is caused by a wrong belief.”   How you deal with the world is based on your beliefs…your perceptions.  When you change your perceptions and beliefs, you can eliminate your stressors, and create a happier, more relaxed and more fulfilling lifestyle
We can use this tool to address:

   Athletic Performance
   Pain & Physical Symptoms
   Weight Loss & Cravings

Learn more
EFT research

Elizabeth Solana Calabro believes that the only limit to an individual's success are the limiting beliefs that are held in the mind. Unfortunately many of the messages and beliefs we hold in the mind are false.  Misunderstandings, misread statements or comments that were not meant for the the listener, real or imagined,  are roadblocks to moving forward in life.   On a conscious level we make decisions and set goals which can only be met when limiting beliefs have been eliminated. 

Serving the San Francisco Bay area- Santa Rosa, San Francisco, Sausalito, Mill Valley, Napa, Novato, Glen Ellen, Petaluma, Marin &  Solano counties, Sonoma, Kenwood, Los Gatos. Skype sessions also available
Katie Rae Calabro
Tap with me-
tap on the star
go to a page of tapping demonstrations and dialogue

Relieve stress and limiting beliefs

Tap Today
tapping for teachers
Want to Chat by phone?   Please fill in the form below if you would like to contact me.  I will get back to you promptly.  Elizabeth
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Web Design by Elizabeth Calabro
Photography & Artwork
by  Katie Rae Calabro Zelinski
© Hypnosis Life Learning
Tapping Workshops 
The Vintage House Senior Center
264 First Street East
Sonoma, CA 

Emotional Freedom Technique
Join me to learn this beneficial and amazing technique.  This space is inviting, calm and peaceful.   A wonderful spot to TAP. 

Twice a Month
Wednesday evening and Friday morning.

Go to Vintage House Sonoma for more information.  