You have a choice: Create your individual set of sayings..or Tap with the masters....A Quick Guide
Thinking of what is bothering you..rank your level of anxiety, stress or discomfort from 0 to 10. 0 being the best/ 10 the worst.
YOU WILL CREATE 3 PHRASES-be specific based on the event, situation or circumstances of what is bothering you. Karate-chop your hand while repeating these phrases:
Even though _____________________________(fill in the blank with the feeling, emotion or circumstances of the event), I totally and completely LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF.
Even though _____________________________(fill in the blank with the feeling, emotion or circumstances of the event), I totally and completely LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF.
Even though _____________________________(fill in the blank with the feeling, emotion or circumstances of the event), I totally and completely LOVE AND ACCEPT MYSELF.
Tapping Steps to follow:
1. Karate chop your hand and repeat the phrases above at the same time.
2. While tapping gently on the starred points (moving from top of the head down to each point) repeat the key phrase or word you had filled in.
3. Check how you are feeling:
Think of the event or circumstance and rank your level of anxiety, stress or discomfort again from 0 to 10.
The key to success in tapping is to get to the core issue- for more focused and effective results you may want to consult with an EFT practitioner.